Garden Inspired Bouquet
Garden Inspired Bouquet
This stunning bouquet is made with the freshest garden blooms and foliage, creating an organic and free-flowing look. Enjoy the unique texture and depth as the blooms and foliage cascade in lush layers, each carefully selected and assembled with love to give you a truly one-of-a-kind piece. Wild, soft, and whimsical - this bouquet is sure to please!
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These bouquets are made with what is currently available and in season. All pictures are inspiration and guidance only. Each wedding is unique. I will use my artistic eye to create something to match your uploaded images.
Pick up dates
Pick up dates
Once you get to the cart you can see pick-up times and dates available. Orders close 12 days before your event day.
Care information
Care information
At Naomi Rose, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality products to our customers. As such, all of our bouquets and buttonholes are made to order and collected directly from us the day of the event for optimal freshness. Each item is carefully packaged and secured to ensure safe transport. We recommend that you have enough space in the boot of your car to transport the items safely. We take all necessary precautions to ensure the flowers are transported and last throughout the day/night, but please read the care instructions carefully. Once the flowers have left our care, we cannot be held responsible for how they are received at the other end. If you would like to arrange your own courier, we cannot accept any responsibility for how the items are received.